Thursday, November 26, 2009

Time Management

Hi everyone,
How have you been? Just want to share how important it is to manage our time well amidst all that we face. Let God’s Word minister to you today.
Do keep in touch, If this article has blessed, do reply.
Believing God’s best for you

It is so important for us to manage our time well. The way we manage our time will determine our destiny. The Bible says

Eph 5:15-17 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

God wants us to be careful in the way we use our time. Time is one of the most valuable resources that we have. It is more valuable than money. Life is made of time. We must make most of our time. We must be good stewards of what God has given us. To waste our time is to waste our lives.

Where we are today is linked to how we have spent our time in the past. Where we will be in the future will be determined by the way we spend our time now. Our life is determined by how we spend our time.

4 keys of Time Management that will revolutionize your life

T – Trust God
Entrust your time to God. Have a relationship with Him and allow Him to shape your time. Your most important appointment of the day is your appointment with God. Be conscious of Him throughout the day.

I – Invest into your time
What you sow is what you reap – the Law of Sowing and Reaping. Sow into your time. If you want to reap something in the future, you need to start sowing now. Sow things that God wants. Sow your priorities.

M – Manage your Time
  • Schedule your time, plan your day. It is like a road map that will ensure proper use of time eg. for prayer, God’s Word, family, studies, church, etc. It will help you avoid impulsive living
  • Coordinate your day, decide your priorities, do not waste time running around, do not spend too much time on insignificant things
  • Be flexible when necessary, allow time for unscheduled tasks or emergencies
  • Live a disciplined life
  • Evaluate your day. See how you can improve for tomorrow

E – Establish Priorities
  • What are your priorities in life?
  1. God comes first - take time with God.
  2. Family comes second – take time with family.
  3. School, work, church – studies (study hard), work (work diligently) and church (serve wholeheartedly)
  4. Others – personal interests, recreation, games, social activities, etc
  • Know what God wants us to achieve. Have a vision, establish goals. Your goals control the direction of your life.(Pro.29:18)
  • Determine how much time you need to spend on your priorities

Be good stewards of the time that God has given you. You do not have time to do everything that you want to do. You can only do the things that God wants you to do

Always ask “Lord Jesus, what do you want me to do?”
To be successful, you must manage your time effectively. Successful time management will enable you to please God, consistently achieve your goals, reduce/avoid stress and fulfill your destiny.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hi everyone,

It is such a joy to write to you again on the blog. As we see the events in the world, there are so many things that are happening. The winds of change are blowing. We live in a time of continuous change. People are elected on the promise of bringing change. Everywhere, everyone is expecting change.

Over the years, my desire has been to see everyone coming to experience God’s goodness and power, living victoriously and being blessed. This has been our ministry’s philosophy. And yet so many times we see Christians living in mediocrity and sometime even in defeat. They know promises of God and yet fail in the process. Like the children of Israel, they perish in the wilderness without reaching the Promised Land. Why is this so?

The answer – they were not willing to change.

Why do people not fulfill destiny? Because they are not willing to allow God to change them. They are not willing to apply the principles of God’s Word to their lives
Why do marriages fail? Because people do not want to change. They do not want to work on the issues and change.

This has been one of my biggest problems in ministering to people. People are not willing to face issues and change. It is amazing, if one of their car tyres was punctured, they would fix it immediately. You don’t see people driving around town for years with one flat tyre. And yet we live year after year, with punctured emotions, punctured thoughts, punctured speech, punctured relationships, etc. We must deal with issues in our lives. .

Why do people find it difficult to change?
  • Their hearts have grown cold. They do not have an abiding relationship with Jesus (Jn.15:4,5)
  • They do not want to put effort. Change involves effort, dealing with yourself involves work
  • Change deals with their pride. They feel there is nothing wrong. This is their perception and they perceive wrong. When one resorts to blaming others, then there is a serious question of their own spirituality.

It is always easy to focus on others and not ourselves. It is always easier to look at the speck in someone else and not see the log in our own lives. We need to deal. And the person we need to deal is we ourselves. We are our biggest trouble maker.

Isaiah 43:18,19 “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

God wants to do new things – roads in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, breakthrough living, fulfillment of dreams, miracles and healing, destiny fulfilled, impacting our community. Yet we must make a move to change – from the old to the new. When we change our family changes. When our family changes, our community changes, when our community changes, our nation changes.

For the new to come, you got to release the old. For the new tenant to come in, the old tenant must leave.

Questions that you need to ask daily?
  • How much time am I spending with God?
  • Is there any area in my life that needs to change?
  • What are my thoughts and words like?
  • How am I relating to the people around me?
  • What does Jesus want from me today?

Let’s continually check ourselves first. You can experience great things today. Position yourself continually before God and allow Him to change you. Face issues in your life and ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

NB. If you need any help, please call or email us.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


God has made each one of us special. Each one of us has a distinct purpose and our whole life’s journey is to fulfill that purpose. We must become and move to what God wants. We must fulfill destiny.

So how can we fulfill destiny?

Phil.3:12-14 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

1) Release the Past
“Forgetting those thongs which are behind”

Our past must never prevent us from reaching our future. So many of us are locked into our past – sins, unresolved conflicts, frustrations, disappointments, injustice, betrayal, relationship breakdown, etc. We learn from the past but the past must never hinder us. We need to release it and move on.

Confess every sin to God (1 Jn.1:9). Do not hold any form of bitterness, guilt or condemnation. Release every disappointment to God. The Bible says in 1 Pet.5:7,that we need to cast our burdens on God because He cares for us.

2) Moving Forward in the Present

Keep moving forward in your Christian life. The problem with us as Christians today is that we have forgotten to do the basic things. What about our prayer life? What about our reading, meditating and obeying God’s Word? What about our commitment and serving in our local church? What about our caring for people? What about our reaching the lost?

We need to move forward. Like a bicycle, if we don’t move we fall. If we don’t move forward, if we are not growing daily that means we falling back. Sow into your relationship with God. Yield and abide with Jesus. (Jn.15:4,5) Allow the Holy Spirit to help you.

3) Press-on to God’s Purposes
Paul say “I press on that I may lay hold for which Christ Jesus has laid hold of me,.” “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God I Christ Jesus.”

What must we press-on to? God’s purpose in our lives, We need to be focused to fulfill God’s destiny. We need to work towards God’s purposes. So how do we press on?

· Pray persistently – you have got to pray. Prayer is the means God uses to fulfill His purposes
· Believe wholeheartedly –You have got to believe. If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe
· Persevere fervently – Pressing on involves perseverance. Don’t give up. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

You life’s journey is to FULFILL DESTINY

We want to see you experience God’s goodness and power, live victoriously and be blessed

If you are free this Sunday15/11/09, why not join us for our service at Holiday Villa Subang, 10am, Victorian Ballroom. We will be looking at “Running with God’s Vision” – a study from the book of Habakkuk. It is going to be awesome. Why not bring a friend with you.

NB. If you need any help, please call or email us.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



The most important thing in life is to walk in God’s will. Walking in God’s will results in experiencing God’s favor.

Remember you are special to God and God has a great plan for you. To see that plan fulfilled, we need to yield to God and make Him our priority (Rm.12:1; Mt.6:33). We need to make right decisions. Life is about decisions and we are sum total of all the decisions that we have made.

So how do we make godly decisions? There are 7 principles of seeking God’s will. Last week we looked at the first 3, this week we look at the rest.

Remember Step 1 is the most important. When making major decisions, ensure that all 7 are there. Don’t just act on one or two.

Step 1: The Bible, God’s Word
God will speak to us through His Word, the Bible. This is the primary way that God speaks and guides us (Ps.119:105). Every decision must be in line with God’s Word. It must never contradict God’s Word. As you read God’s Word, God will speak to you. Ensure you have a daily Bible reading and allow God to lead you.

Step 2: The spoken Word, Rhema
God wants to lead you through His spoken Word. God speaks to His people. He is a loving Shepherd and you need to hear His voice and follow (Jn.10:3,4). God speaks to us through the inner voice, visions, dreams, audible voice, spontaneous thoughts, etc. Always position yourself to hear what God is saying. Wait on Him.

Step 3 :The Peace of God
God can lead you through your inner witness – the peace of God in your hearts (Phil.4:9). The Holy Spirit dwells in your heart, and if it is God’s will you will definitely have the inner peace in your heart. If you don’t, wait.

Step 4: Circumstances of Life
Rm.8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose".
As Christians, God is in control of our lives and has allowed circumstances for our good. God leads you through your circumstances. Through your circumstances, you can see how God is directing you to fulfill His purposes.

Step 5: Godly Counsel
Pro.11:14 'Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety".

Prov.12:15 " The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise".
A wise person will seek counsel in making decisions. An unwise person will be content with his own opinion. When making a decision, seek godly people to pray along with you and counsel you.

Remember if it is a family decision, both husband and wife must agree.

Step 6: Godly wisdom

Jam.1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him".

God can give you godly wisdom. Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge. Here are some important questions that you need to ask in making major decisions:
  • Does the decision help me grow spiritually?
  • What would Jesus do?
  • Is it in line with God’s plan for me?
  • Will it help me fulfill God's will?
Step 7 : Godly desire

God can lead you by giving godly desires. A lot of times when God wants to lead, He may give you godly desires to fulfill His plan. For example, person with a full time call will have an intense desire to serve and see souls saved (Rm.10:1)

God wants to lead and guide you. Take time to pray and seek God.

Ps.32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

Make right decisions.

NB. If you need any help, please call or email us.

We want to see you experience God’s goodness and power, live victoriously and be blessed