Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Overcoming Discouragement

Elijah was a great man of God. He had seen miraculous provision (1 Kings17) and the power of God. It was amazing how God used him to confront the prophets of Baal at Carmel (1 Kings 18). And yet when Jezebel threatened to kill him, the great prophet got extremely discouraged (19:1,2). How did such a great man sink into the depths of despair?

All of us can get discouraged. Discouragement is a dangerous state of mind because it leaves us open to the assault of the enemy. There are important principles from the life of Elijah that we can learn and apply. My desire as we study 1 Kings 19 is that each one of you will overcome discouragement.

How did Elijah get discouraged?
a) Vulnerability - He was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. He was emotionally strained and cracked under pressure. All of us have limits and it is important for us to realize it before we get to the end
b) External Attack - He was verbally attacked. This caused him to be gripped with fear and doubt.
c) Disconnection from God - Somehow the events that happened got him disconnected from God. He was looking at himself not at God. Discouragement is a dissatisfaction in ourselves based on a distrust in God
d) Self-centredness – He was depending in himself to overcome. He looked at the circumstance/threat and not God
e) Alone – He was isolated. He didn’t have friends to encourage him

What did he do when he got discouraged? What happens when we get discouraged?
a) He ran away (19:3). So many times when we are discouraged, we want to isolate ourselves and be alone. It is during this time that we need some good people to help us
b) He tried to handle the problem himself
c) He wanted to die, that was his prayer. (19:4). He had enough of life and wanted to end it all.
d) He felt a failure (19:4). There was a serious sense of hopelessness and defeat.

How do you Overcome Discouragement?
a) God will help you, cry out to Him. God came to help Elijah (19:5). He sent His angel to minister to him. God is always there to help us. We are His children and He will take care of us.
b) Watch when you are vulnerable. Be careful when you are weary and tired.
c) Take care of your physical needs. God ministered to his needs. An angel gave Elijah food and he slept a lot (19:5-8) We need to eat and rest. We need to take care of our immediate needs.
d) Allow God to speak to you (19:9,12). Allow God’s Word to minister to you, listen to God’s voice.
e) Get rid of self-centredness (19:14). Stop making excuses. Stop blaming others.
f) Restore purpose - God restored his vision (19:15-17) and he got back to work.
g) Have a good friend. Don’t isolate yourself. God brought Elisha into his life (19:19-21)
h) Don’t worry about what people have done to you. Forgive and release them. God will deal with them.

Elijah overcame discouragement and went on to do even greater things. In 2 Kings 2 he was caught up into heaven by the chariot of fire. What a way to go!!

See you on Sunday.